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Renowned Jamaican Author Anthony Winkler has died at the age of 73

Jamaican born renowned novelist Anthony C Winkler died peacefully at his home in Georgia on Friday. He was 73.

Winkler, best known for his books, The Lunatic, The Painted Canoe and The Annihilation of Fish was awarded the Townsend Prize in 2014. He was also a recipient of Jamaica’s Musgrave Medal for his achievements in Literature, receiving the gold medal in 2014 and silver in 2004.

He has also written two plays: The Burglar, produced at the Little Little Theatre in May 2003, and The Hippopotamus Card in 2004

Winkler was very active in the Jamaica and the Jamaican community in Atlanta, where he has lived since 1979. He was elected president of the Atlanta Jamaica Association for two terms and was also a member of the Writer's Guild of America.

Winkler attended Cornwall College in Montego Bay and Excelsior High School in Kingston.

He is survived by his wife Cathy, daughter Becky, son Adam and his wife of three weeks, Amy. He was 73.

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