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Kimhia Toussaint Crowned Miss St Lucia UK 2014

At the second staging of the Miss St Lucia UK 2014, 20 year old Kimhia Toussaint has been crowned the winner.

Toussaint a real estate agent was crowned before a packed audience at Kensington Town Hall, where 21-year-old university student Diandra Shortee was first runner up and second runner up went to 19-year-old college student Kathline George.

Contestants were judged in swim and evening wear as well as their knowledge of St Lucia which included performing a short skit to re-enact life experiences back in the Caribbean island.

The evening was part of St Lucia’s 35th Independence celebrations which highlights the island’s history, culture and accomplishments.

Guest included St Lucia’s High Commissioner, His Excellency Dr.Ernest Hilaire. Also in attendance were director of marketing St Lucia Tourist Board Jean-Marc Flambert and assistant directorAtlyn Forde who sponsored the entertainment package.

The entertainment of the night was popular St Lucian Soca artistTeddyson John who had the patrons on their feet as he belted out his carnival hits.

Sponsors for the evening were Bay Gardens Resort, Hotel Chocolat, Chairman’s Reserve, Melalleuca, GMQex and St Lucia Tourist Board.

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