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Flying Fish and Mahi Mahi Kebab with Coconut Polenta and Dill Cucumbers

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Fish Recipe


· 4 flying fish fillets

· 8 oz. mahi mahi fillet

· 1 tbsp chopped dill

· 2 packets Maggi Season Up! For Fish

· Fish bones

· Pepper to taste

· Sweet spices (see step 1 in Method)

· Small onion

· Garlic

· ½ cup flour mixed with ½ cup bread crumbs

· Oil for shallow frying


· Put a few fish bones in a pot to boil with 3 cups of water, 1 pack of the Season Up! and add some sweet spices such as cloves, star anise and a bit of onion and garlic to make a stock and leave it on while you are cooking.

· Cut the flying fish in halves horizontally and cut the mahi mahi into chunks of approximately the same weight.

· Season with the other pack of Season Up! and add pepper and dill to taste.

· Preheat a pan with the base covered in oil for shallow frying.

· Arrange the mahi mahi and flying fish on skewers and coat in the flour and bread crumb mixture.

· Fry on one side until golden, then turn the skewers. Drop the heat and cook until the next side is golden (this is to ensure that the fish is fully cooked through).

· Drain on a plate and place in a warm area.



· 200g cornmeal

· 1 packet Maggi Coconut Milk Powder

· Fish stock

· Elle Vere Butter

· Elle vere cooking cream

· Sugar


Place 1 cup of stock in a saucepan which is on a low heat and whisk in the cornmeal. Continue to whisk and gradually add more stock and a little butter. Taste for salt. Add most of the coconut milk powder reserving about 2 tablespoons to make a sauce. Continue to cook and add stock for about 5 – 7 minutes, whisking regularly, until the polenta is cooked and creamy. Taste again for seasoning and add a few tablespoons of sugar to taste (this is to enhance the coconut flavor, and at this time a touch of cinnamon or clove could also be added), also add a little butter and cooking cream to taste.


In a small bowl, mix about ½ a cup of the remaining stock with the 2 tablespoons of coconut milk powder. This sauce is to be poured over the polenta during plating to keep it creamy.

Dill Cucumber Pickle

· 1 medium sized cucumber, chopped

· ½ a lemon juice

· 1 tbsp chopped dill

· 1 medium sized onion, finely chopped

· Crushed red pepper to taste

· Salt to taste

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and adjust the seasoning.

By: Chef Rebel Glam's

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