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At Home With The Morgans - New Talk Show Featuring the Morgan Sisters

Worldwide (MPR Consulting) - Throughout the music world, the name Morgan resonates with music lovers as The Royal Family of Reggae who in 2016 won a coveted Grammy for Best Reggae Album. It is undeniable that the Morgans are a dynasty that spans all facets of life, and the essence and roots of this family stems from The Morgan Queens namely Una, Taliba, Sandra and Takilat Morgan. Since the public has always had a fascination with this multi-talented family, the sisters have united to give insight into their dynamics with a new pop culture web based talk show "At Home With The Morgans". Geared towards young adults and a mature audience "At Home With The Morgans" #AHWTM is hosted by the four talented biological sisters Una Morgan, Sandra Downie, Taliba Morgan, and Takilat "Taki" Morgan, whom are the daughters of the music legend Denroy Morgan, who had the smashing Billboard single "I'll Do Anything For You". They have a captivating spirit, and a bond that is undeniably connected through love. These ladies have much to say to the world and will bring it to you with class, grace, and beauty. The 12 episode talk show will cover Current Events, Entertainment, Cooking, Beauty and Lifestyle. Six of the 12 episodes will have a segment called "Pajama Talk" in which the ladies will discuss important and life changing topics while enjoying a signature drink. Speaking on how the show concept was developed, Taliba explained: "The best way I can explain it, is that it was like a download from the Universe. It came to me as I was sitting on the sofa with my children. I knew that two of my sisters, Una and Sandra were interested in working with me on some sort of level and it took time for it to be revealed to me what project it should be. Hence the saying "divine timing" I then called them up told them the idea and the rest is history." Sandra added: "The reason I chose to participate in the show is simple...Family + Love. Having a project to work on, at this magnitude, with my sisters, allows us to grow closer and continue a life of building a strong sisterhood. We have always had a wonderful relationship with each other, but being able to laugh, cry and celebrate life's milestones with each other is priceless. This isn't something we thought about lightly, but with serious thought, consideration and of course some bumps in the road, we knew this was something we just had to do. Not just for us, but for our children. " The musical muse, Una Morgan, chimed in by explaining "Taliba knowing my health journey, called me one morning and asked if I would consider being a part of this with my other sisters. I hesitated at first, due to my recovery, but when I thought of the time I had off... I said let's put it to good use!! I love to talk and this was an excellent way to let my inner journalist out."

Although there are several talk shows spearheaded by women, Taliba explains why "At Home With The Morgans" differs from others: "What sets us apart is family. It's four sisters and amazing personalities, with different walks of life. Even when we have our disagreements the love we have for each other always works it out, and all of that will be seen through our conversations and hot topics." "I believe what will set us apart is the fact that we are sisters from a big family having something to say. We are international women ambassadors and we will not keep any topic off limits especially if it has anything to do with women empowerment. We want when people watch this show, they walk way learning something about life they never knew. " Una "I chose to participate in this show with my three sisters because this is the first time in a long time that I've had an opportunity to work cohesively with my siblings. Since the passing of our Mom Pearl Foster in August of 1988, we have had to develop our own individual identities. This show allows us all to remember our roots from which we came, and reignite our sisterly bond that has been created originally from the Almighty God." stated Takilat AT Home With The Morgans FOUR SISTERS. FOUR PERSONALITIES. ALL LOVE.


Meet The Morgans!

Takilat "Taki" Morgan has worked over ten years as a Child Protective Services Social Worker, and now serves Hartford Public Schools Special Education Department. She enjoys the outdoors, values close family time, and loves to be in the kitchen. She is a hard working single mom with two lovely daughters. Taki is known for her straight forward, no nonsense, comedic personality. "What I will bring to the show is my many years of cooking with love for my family. Family recipes that have authentic Jamaican cuisine as its highlight. I will also be able to provide wonderful, quick tasty and delicious quick 15 minute meals for the average working mom, and for me and many other SINGLE MOMS1. Its not easy having a career, maintaining a household, being the provider, and the protector of two beautiful children. However, coming up with quick and easy meal ideas will make this easy for ALL women to relate, and apply these tips, recipes and ideas to their everyday lives. Never forgetting to also make each recipe kid friendly."

Una Morgan is a Grammy award winning Recording Artist in the world renowned Reggae group Morgan Heritage. She is a humanitarian by heart and a Global Entrepreneur. Una, out of the bunch, is the mother figure to the ladies. She anchors the group in a way that can only be seen. "I believe that I bring the answers to curious minds to the questions that people might not want to ask. My brothers in Morgan Heritage have been so protective of me, folks hardly ever get a chance to know me as a person. #AHWTM, lets already existing MH fans into my world of intrigue, thoughts on global issues, fitness secrets, hobbies and much more"

Taliba Morgan is the CEO of Nagrom Films Inc. and Producer and Creator of the show. She has penned various books and several screenplays throughout her career. Taliba is dedicated to her business and family as a new mother and wife. Taliba is the fiery one out of the ladies. She can laugh and enjoy a moment but won't let her sisters be taken for granted. "I chose to do the show, because it was destiny. Its something I couldn't walk away from. What I will bring is joy, laughter, creativity with a kick of divalicious. I can be a bit of a little know it all. But my sisters put me in my place when they are ready whether i'm the producer and creator of the show or not. The chronicles of being the baby sister."

Sandra Downie has been an Entrepreneur for 10+ years. She is the Creative Director + Blogger behind the lifestyle blog, The Rustic Life. She has a passion for sharing with people, style for effortless living, home décor and entertaining ideas as well as easy DIY projects. She is a lifestyle and beauty expert and loves all things girly and pretty. Sandra is a sassy but light hearted woman that won't hesitate to tell you like it is. "As a life long lover of all things pretty, being the lifestyle and beauty expert on the show was an easy avenue in which to participate in the show. I have been an entrepreneur for the past 10+ years working as a creative in makeup artistry, interior decorating, event/party planning, floral design, entertaining and now as a recognized lifestyle blogger. I look forward to sharing with views style for effortless living."

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