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“Dying to be Thin” - Gastric Band Surgery and a Tummy Tuck Nearly Killed Me

My name is Tiffiney Neal. I almost passed on two different occasions. The first time was after complications of my gastric band weight loss surgery, and 10 years later after my tummy tack.

I had my first weight loss surgery at 280 pounds, but my heaviest weight was 392 height 5’6. I gained weight after my surgery, and was bedridden for almost four years. My back and the weight put a strain on my body. I lived in my bedroom, and needed care. Therefore, I hired a homecare nurse to assist me with taking care of my basic hygiene. I guarantee you that no one wants to live in a sick aching body, so I fought mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to loss the weight on my own.

Approximately 10 years later, after the weight loss surgery I had a tummy tuck with 65 staples. I had three infections, and a blood clot. This is the same surgery that Kanya West mother died from. And, I almost died to be thin for the second time. My story is one of pain and triumph. This is my story to the world.

Plus Size Model! Currently, I weight about 220 and a size 12/14, but in the transition of being 435 to 220 pounds, I almost died. I am a freelance professional lingerie and swimsuit model. I am proud of my body. I almost died for it. I have been modeling for approximately 7 years. I love everything about modeling! I love the camera, lights, make up, hair etc. and the camera loves me. Runway, print, magazine, pageants, talk shows, and commercials are all on my resume’. My goal is to inspire other women to achieve their goals.

I am success. My definition of success is to know within myself that the sky is the limit! We can achieve all that is good, but we place limitations upon ourselves. We are our own worst critics. The BBW modeling industry pass on their personal hurt and pain to other models. I represent the 14 billion Plus & Sexy women all over the world with a message of self-acceptance and self-love.

No my body is not perfect, but I am wonderful and perfectly made!

My other joy is riding motorcycles with my female motorcycle club- S.T.A.R. My motorcycle clubs are more than riding the highways and byways! It is a sisterhood which consist of community service by assisting students and individuals who are less fortunate than us. Every August, we have a backpack drive for students who cannot afford backpacks and school supplies, purchasing food for the homeless, in December Christmas toy drive, and donating money to bury a fallen biker.

When I get discouraged, I take it Day by Day! As a child, I was skinny. Between the ages of 5 to 8, I was not chubby. Every winter, I was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia I was given steroids and other medication. When I was eight years old, I started gaining weight. After that, I remain chubby as a child. I was teased, called names ugly fat and bald headed.

As I got older high school, it was difficult to lose the weight. I was around 155 and 175 when I graduated. When I turned 20 I gain weight, but at 220 pounds I lost most of that weight. However, three years later, I got pregnant with my daughter. It was a high risk pregnancy. I maintained 185. My weight exploded when a basketball goal fell on me. It hit the base of neck and I fell to the ground. The realm of the basketball hoop branded me, and I was bed ridden for six weeks. I was gaining weight and my health started to deteriorate. At that point, my weight was 225 pounds.

PERFECTLY FLAWED! At 250 pounds with a height of 5’6, I had gastric banding surgery. I lost only about 30 lbs. I almost died, because the band split and it cut off the entry to my stomach. For nearly two weeks, I could not eat or drink. I had got IV’s one to every three days to stay hydrated. When I fainted in the hospital, the physicians believe that something was wrong. They scoped me and had to remove my band. I lost my feeling in my body. I could not feel anything. I felt very weak and I made out a living will. My veins collapse and they had to put the IV in my neck.

Although I almost died, I am still contemplating weight loss surgery, so I can control my diabetes. I may die if I do not have it or I may die without it.

I am still dying to be thin.

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