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Alexandra Tatis - CONTRIBUTOR

Born to Dominican and Cuban parents, Alexandra Tatis is a New York City native who has beaten the odds and has overcome the status quo when it comes to being a minority in the United States. Although faced with adversity and difficult moments in her life she has been able to rise above the critics through her love and dedication to writing.

Ever since Ms Tatis was a young girl she has always loved writing. She received the talent from writing from her father who although he doesn’t live in New York, Ms Tatis was very much influenced by him.

Alexandra Tatis is currently working on her 3 book series which you will see in your local bookstores and all book tech platforms soon. Her 3 book series will give you deep inside look of her life growing up in New York City and her struggles with depression and anxiety. Although deep and mystic writing style, those who have read her drafts say that with this series she will be able to impact other people’s lives, man or woman. Her books will have a bit for everyone from those trying to make it out the hardships of life to the successful who are still holding back from life.

Ms.Tatis is a humble, joyful, witty, passionate, deepx mystic and wild spirit; she is a force to be reckoned with and once the world finds out about who she is and her come from, trust that not only will she make a difference in your life but without you even knowing she will make a difference in your family's life as well.

Ms. Tatis mission is to guide people to tap into their imagination through free writing. She is passionate about bringing forward the stigma of mental and emotional issues in the POC community. She wants to take a stand through Transformational /Expertinal work to touch, move and inspire the planet and guide people to feel empowered and heal through their struggles and not feel powerless.

Ms. Tatis resigned from her day job as an Staffing Coordinator in the Medical Field and is currently working on her 3 books series. She is also a Leadership Senior Coach as part of being in Service and Contribution. She will obtain a certicfication to become an Empowerment Life Coach this year and is also working her way to contributing articles of self reflection and tips in publications. Ms. Tatis is ready to play to win and she wants to shift the planet with love and understanding one person at a time.

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