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Love Across The Sea - Long distance relationships

Long distance relationships – can they work?


Let’s face it, maintaining a healthy, loving, lasting and stable relationship is hard work.

After the initial “butterflies in the stomach” stage, you will quickly realise that it takes reciprocity, a lot of giving and taking, understanding and compromising by both parties, if the relationship is to stand any chance of survival. So when you add distance to the mix, the likelihood for heartbreak increases exponentially. One thing’s for sure, long–distance relationships are not designed for the faint-hearted. It takes a resilient and committed heart to deal with something as daunting. It has been said that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but how much absence does it take for the heart to grow cold?

As one would imagine, there are several challenges to having a lasting relationship with someone who is in a completely different country. Distance can cause people to become disconnected and out of touch, especially in today’s society where loyalty and commitment seem to have taken several back seats to instant gratification and distrust. With the proliferation of television reality shows which tend to glorify cheating, side chicks and the likes, staying loyal to one person is quickly becoming a thing of the past.

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